Monday, November 30, 2009


Metal casting process is to form a metal object by pouring metal into a mold search. Prints can be made from sand, ceramic, or metal.

In choosing a casting technique we have to look at products like what we want to produce, how the workload, whether the product is a mass product, and consideration of the sale price. All that to ensure the effectiveness of the foundry that we make.

Sand mold has the advantage of a molding process is relatively easy and inexpensive, but it raises some risks such as entry of the grains of sand to the mixture of liquid steel, which would certainly cause a loss in terms of product properties. Another disadvantage of casting with sand mold (sand casting) is a molder that is disposable, so when you finish used to mengecor the mold must be destroyed, can not be reused. However this process is still relatively cheap considering the price of silica sand, as printed materials, not too high. Casting with sand molds also require a riser which is a provision for the molten metal during cooling. Riser will be discarded at the end of the process, it makes casting with sand molds to be less efficient because there should be metal is wasted.
Certainly not suitable sand molds used to create mass products very much because it can only be used once. Therefore, permanent mold is used which uses high temperature resistant metal (Heat Resisting metals) as a molder.

Casting with permanent mold can also be done while giving the load of molten metal so that this process is called printing-press process. Results of this press printing process has several advantages over casting with sand molds which have a density greater product and avoid the possibility of entry of impurities into the molten metal. Examples of casting products metal frames are printed using a piston motor vehicles, and front suspension fork for a motorcycle.

Another type is a precision casting foundry. The product has a very tight dimensional tolerances, smooth surfaces, and usually form a complex. This process requires a fairly high cost, limited to small objects, and high difficulty level. Examples of these are the lost wax casting precision casting (investment casting).


ely said...

proses cetakan pasir dengan pengikat khusus

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