Thursday, October 20, 2016


Community, understanding and opinions about the quality / quality varies greatly, depending on the angle of view and backgrounds of the community of potential users of the product. Nevertheless, the benchmark used in setting terms of the quality of a product or also a process and system is the extent to which the level of user satisfaction / user of the product or the system can be achieved.

The producers or creators of a work, the notion of quality of his work was interpreted as factors of production that exist and are in the component of their production.

The problem that arises is "WHO" is defined and also determine the level of quality of goods ?, whether manufacturers with raw materials and production systems which are already considered of good quality will be able to produce good quality goods, or among consumers who consume directly and to feel and enjoy the results production?. When consumers enjoy and feel the goods will immediately assess and consider the extent to which the value of goods consumed.

Generally, from the manufacturers claim that the quality of the goods is inherent to the factors of production that are in the product, or also in processes and systems products. So with such statements, the quality is inherent in the product produced.

What happens is, when producers set a "quality" goods unilaterally, without considering the other hand, the possibility of its adoption is not true, the result is consumers who are not getting satisfaction, they will seek other alternatives to obtain satisfaction, so he will not buy the first item and will seek other items in his stead.

In CONVENTIONAL, can be interpreted that, quality is something that describes the characteristics (such as the characteristics and properties) directly from a product, such as: appearance / performance, easy to use / easy to use and beauty / aesthetics / esthetics, etc.

In terms of STRATEGIC, quality is everything that meets the wants and needs of customers, not just the consistency of the characteristics of the products offered, but also the level of service that accompanies, such as: how marketing, payment methods, timeliness of delivery, along with the ease-precision number another convenience.

Of expression and the description above, it can be concluded that the quality / grade / quality is BRIDGE COMMUNICATION between producers and consumers. The farther rangakaian or travel distance of goods from producers to consumers, so the issue of the "quality" of a product it is important to set. To be able to define the notion of quality at the same time the value of a quality, it is necessary step "standardization" which covers various aspects of production, production support and systems. In the absence of standardization it is very possible the understanding and definition of quality will be different for everyone, depending on their perception of each. Although basically that the main aim of standardization is to help and encourage producers to production to meet consumer desires, and from the consumer side to be understood that this standardization is able to provide the technical information and non-technical consumer performs as well as other aspects related to the production process.

How is the print quality in the print industry?

Achievement of quality to meet the desires of consumers / subscribers in the printing industry to print looks very complicated, given the industry of printing is included in the industry "JOB ORDER", means that the industry must work and produce a large quantity based on an order as like industry in general, on the other hand should attentive to the wants / customer satisfaction, will be: accuracy of settlement / delivery, accuracy of quantity, quality product and if possible a reasonable price to compete, not to mention the technical problems of production that requires the use of technology and equipment, staples and supporting materials of different nature, character and handling , as a result of the buyer desires.

In strong competition today, accompanied by a heightened awareness that the order / booking is highly determine the viability of the company, the company strive to serve the customer as possible, even with working conditions and operates 24 hours, while always maintaining quality, accelerate the resolution, and sometimes try to improve care services in order for the type of work / order remains in his hands.

The following description of the service process printed material printing done by entrepreneurs, which aims for completion of printed materials can be diseselasikan punctual with time and quality as per buyer.

The problem faced by most of the printing company has not provided a container below the officer in charge of the quality of printed material, so as not to create standardization of quality suatau printed material.

But among a relatively large printing company / bonafide capable of forming a container following a special human resources and handling charge of quality control, able to set criteria that generally the task of quality control are:

1. Determine the standard for the product to be manufactured;

Officials responsible for the quality control of the quality of the production company's full. Therefore, before the production process begins, it should be defined and standardized quality standards imposed on each stage of the production process. Standard includes all the elements and stages in the production process, including raw materials, supporting materials, so that with the implementation of the standardization of this quality would guarantee their products will be of good quality. The aspects relating to quality control should be informed to all production units to be used as guidance in implementing quality control in their work unit.

2. Assess on appropriateness of goods manufactured to the required standard; The application of quality standards that each work unit had been informed before the production process begins, requires ongoing monitoring and evaluation. This will ensure the accurate and rapid information deviations occur. By quickly obtain this information, the countermeasures will be taken to prevent irregularities (damage output) further.

3. Hold action if the standards set are not being met;

Information quickly, will be able to ensure the right solution to solve problems as they arise, so that a greater loss will be prevented.

4. Plan for improvement and continuous development to assess the standards that have been set.

A system must always be on the up-date in accordance with developments in technology and customer demands for increased demand for good quality. The use of advanced technologies that will facilitate the quality control process, therefore in this change should be made to the whole staff of quality controllers, so that the implementation of quality control is not compromised.

Quite a lot of large-scale printing company, with equipment and machinery fairly sophisticated management coupled with already relatively well established, it is about the quality of a discussion that has been routinely discussed, so comes to an agreement which is a slogan, as shown below:

Seen that everyone involved in the organization ranging from staff (especially the production staff) the lowest until the director even company owners agree that quality is a shared responsibility in accordance with their respective positions. However, the placement of employees and officers and officials should be based on that position for the right person must be at the right job anyway.

To be able to perform duties as a quality controller, then they are required to have a requirement for qualification as a quality controller, such as:

1. Have knowledge in an efficient working methods;

Starting from an understanding of the technical specifications print order, then a quality controller should be able to assign the most appropriate production techniques, taking into account the efficiency and effectiveness of production as well as the continuity of the company through the efforts to get a reasonable profit.

2. Has the technical ability of production;

With the determination of the type of production techniques, it is a quality controller should be able to establish the possibility of production constraints which may result in delays in the production process.

3. Mastering the steps of production processes;

A quality controller should be able to establish any kind of production process flow of order, starting the supply of materials, production preparation, production and production following the completion of the technical elements that support the implementation of quality control.

4. Knowing and mastering the work system of production equipment;

Technically the production, a quality controller should be able to master the system and the work of production equipment production preparation, production and completion of production, so that the smooth production is not hampered.

5. Have knowledge of raw materials and production support;

The condition and quality of raw materials is the beginning of the smooth process of quality control, such as: paper, printing ink, supporting materials, must be in good condition according to the type of production techniques and types of orders. Suitability of materials to the production process and the type of order will result in the production of good quality.

6. Knowing and mastering systems and quality control criteria;

Terminology or restrictions or subject in quality control must be controlled by a quality controller, because the understanding of the terminology of quality control, it will speed up decision-making in determining the type of production problems that cause impaired product quality.

7. Having a managerial capabilities.

Quality control unit within a large-scale enterprise, and the type of work that is complex, demanding and requires considerable staff quality controllers, since the implementation of quality control must be done with a sustainable system. Therefore a chief quality controller must have the managerial ability to lead his staff in securing aspects of quality control. The following was stated value of density process (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) at some positions that represent the image plane model, the following chart to determine the value of the ink density deviation value during the production process (printing circulation).


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