Thursday, October 20, 2016


Community, understanding and opinions about the quality / quality varies greatly, depending on the angle of view and backgrounds of the community of potential users of the product. Nevertheless, the benchmark used in setting terms of the quality of a product or also a process and system is the extent to which the level of user satisfaction / user of the product or the system can be achieved.

The producers or creators of a work, the notion of quality of his work was interpreted as factors of production that exist and are in the component of their production.

The problem that arises is "WHO" is defined and also determine the level of quality of goods ?, whether manufacturers with raw materials and production systems which are already considered of good quality will be able to produce good quality goods, or among consumers who consume directly and to feel and enjoy the results production?. When consumers enjoy and feel the goods will immediately assess and consider the extent to which the value of goods consumed.

Generally, from the manufacturers claim that the quality of the goods is inherent to the factors of production that are in the product, or also in processes and systems products. So with such statements, the quality is inherent in the product produced.

What happens is, when producers set a "quality" goods unilaterally, without considering the other hand, the possibility of its adoption is not true, the result is consumers who are not getting satisfaction, they will seek other alternatives to obtain satisfaction, so he will not buy the first item and will seek other items in his stead.

In CONVENTIONAL, can be interpreted that, quality is something that describes the characteristics (such as the characteristics and properties) directly from a product, such as: appearance / performance, easy to use / easy to use and beauty / aesthetics / esthetics, etc.

In terms of STRATEGIC, quality is everything that meets the wants and needs of customers, not just the consistency of the characteristics of the products offered, but also the level of service that accompanies, such as: how marketing, payment methods, timeliness of delivery, along with the ease-precision number another convenience.

Of expression and the description above, it can be concluded that the quality / grade / quality is BRIDGE COMMUNICATION between producers and consumers. The farther rangakaian or travel distance of goods from producers to consumers, so the issue of the "quality" of a product it is important to set. To be able to define the notion of quality at the same time the value of a quality, it is necessary step "standardization" which covers various aspects of production, production support and systems. In the absence of standardization it is very possible the understanding and definition of quality will be different for everyone, depending on their perception of each. Although basically that the main aim of standardization is to help and encourage producers to production to meet consumer desires, and from the consumer side to be understood that this standardization is able to provide the technical information and non-technical consumer performs as well as other aspects related to the production process.

How is the print quality in the print industry?

Achievement of quality to meet the desires of consumers / subscribers in the printing industry to print looks very complicated, given the industry of printing is included in the industry "JOB ORDER", means that the industry must work and produce a large quantity based on an order as like industry in general, on the other hand should attentive to the wants / customer satisfaction, will be: accuracy of settlement / delivery, accuracy of quantity, quality product and if possible a reasonable price to compete, not to mention the technical problems of production that requires the use of technology and equipment, staples and supporting materials of different nature, character and handling , as a result of the buyer desires.

In strong competition today, accompanied by a heightened awareness that the order / booking is highly determine the viability of the company, the company strive to serve the customer as possible, even with working conditions and operates 24 hours, while always maintaining quality, accelerate the resolution, and sometimes try to improve care services in order for the type of work / order remains in his hands.

The following description of the service process printed material printing done by entrepreneurs, which aims for completion of printed materials can be diseselasikan punctual with time and quality as per buyer.

The problem faced by most of the printing company has not provided a container below the officer in charge of the quality of printed material, so as not to create standardization of quality suatau printed material.

But among a relatively large printing company / bonafide capable of forming a container following a special human resources and handling charge of quality control, able to set criteria that generally the task of quality control are:

1. Determine the standard for the product to be manufactured;

Officials responsible for the quality control of the quality of the production company's full. Therefore, before the production process begins, it should be defined and standardized quality standards imposed on each stage of the production process. Standard includes all the elements and stages in the production process, including raw materials, supporting materials, so that with the implementation of the standardization of this quality would guarantee their products will be of good quality. The aspects relating to quality control should be informed to all production units to be used as guidance in implementing quality control in their work unit.

2. Assess on appropriateness of goods manufactured to the required standard; The application of quality standards that each work unit had been informed before the production process begins, requires ongoing monitoring and evaluation. This will ensure the accurate and rapid information deviations occur. By quickly obtain this information, the countermeasures will be taken to prevent irregularities (damage output) further.

3. Hold action if the standards set are not being met;

Information quickly, will be able to ensure the right solution to solve problems as they arise, so that a greater loss will be prevented.

4. Plan for improvement and continuous development to assess the standards that have been set.

A system must always be on the up-date in accordance with developments in technology and customer demands for increased demand for good quality. The use of advanced technologies that will facilitate the quality control process, therefore in this change should be made to the whole staff of quality controllers, so that the implementation of quality control is not compromised.

Quite a lot of large-scale printing company, with equipment and machinery fairly sophisticated management coupled with already relatively well established, it is about the quality of a discussion that has been routinely discussed, so comes to an agreement which is a slogan, as shown below:

Seen that everyone involved in the organization ranging from staff (especially the production staff) the lowest until the director even company owners agree that quality is a shared responsibility in accordance with their respective positions. However, the placement of employees and officers and officials should be based on that position for the right person must be at the right job anyway.

To be able to perform duties as a quality controller, then they are required to have a requirement for qualification as a quality controller, such as:

1. Have knowledge in an efficient working methods;

Starting from an understanding of the technical specifications print order, then a quality controller should be able to assign the most appropriate production techniques, taking into account the efficiency and effectiveness of production as well as the continuity of the company through the efforts to get a reasonable profit.

2. Has the technical ability of production;

With the determination of the type of production techniques, it is a quality controller should be able to establish the possibility of production constraints which may result in delays in the production process.

3. Mastering the steps of production processes;

A quality controller should be able to establish any kind of production process flow of order, starting the supply of materials, production preparation, production and production following the completion of the technical elements that support the implementation of quality control.

4. Knowing and mastering the work system of production equipment;

Technically the production, a quality controller should be able to master the system and the work of production equipment production preparation, production and completion of production, so that the smooth production is not hampered.

5. Have knowledge of raw materials and production support;

The condition and quality of raw materials is the beginning of the smooth process of quality control, such as: paper, printing ink, supporting materials, must be in good condition according to the type of production techniques and types of orders. Suitability of materials to the production process and the type of order will result in the production of good quality.

6. Knowing and mastering systems and quality control criteria;

Terminology or restrictions or subject in quality control must be controlled by a quality controller, because the understanding of the terminology of quality control, it will speed up decision-making in determining the type of production problems that cause impaired product quality.

7. Having a managerial capabilities.

Quality control unit within a large-scale enterprise, and the type of work that is complex, demanding and requires considerable staff quality controllers, since the implementation of quality control must be done with a sustainable system. Therefore a chief quality controller must have the managerial ability to lead his staff in securing aspects of quality control. The following was stated value of density process (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) at some positions that represent the image plane model, the following chart to determine the value of the ink density deviation value during the production process (printing circulation).


Istilah Minimum Cetak sering kita dengar dalam dunia cetak mencetak, khususnya cetak offset. Istilah ini mengacu pada  jumlah minimum lembar cetak yang dapat dilayani oleh perusahaan percetakan.Sebenarnya penggunaan  istilah tersebut kurang  tepat, karena dalam proses cetak offset tidak ada jumlah minimum yang harus dicetak. Cetak offset dapat mencetak berapapun jumlah lembarnya. Yang menimbulkan istilah jumlah minimum cetak adalah biaya minimum proses cetak  yang diperlukan dan menjadi tanggungan konsumen. Biaya proses cetak offset cukup mahal jika hanya digunakan  untuk mencetak beberapa puluh lembar atau beberapa lembar barang cetakan saja. Beberapa tahun lalu hal ini menjadi masalah bagi pengguna jasa cetak yang hanya memerlukan produk cetakan dalam jumlah relatif sedikit, karena beban biaya yang harus ditanggung sama dengan biaya cetak minimum.
Jika kita membayar biaya sekian ratus ribu rupiah untuk mencetak sekian ribu lembar, maka biaya perlembarnya jadi lebih murah, karena total biaya cetak  dibagi jumlah hasil cetakan. Jadi semakin banyak kita mencetak, maka harga per lembarnya akan semakin murah. Hal itu  memang merupakan kenyataan  yang tidak dapat dibantah. Masalahnya,  jika kita hanya memerlukan sekian ribu lembar cetakan atau beberapa puluh lembar atau sekian lembar barang cetakan  saja, untuk mendapatkan harga cetak yang murah, haruskah kita mencetak dengan jumlah minimum cetak.  Selain biaya cetak yang harus kita bayar sangat mahal, konten barang cetakan yang disimpan terlalu lama juga akan  menjadi kadaluarsa, tidak relevan lagi dengan kondisi dan situasi terkini alias ketinggalan zaman.
Kemajuan teknologi digital printing yang sangat pesat saat ini, menjadi solusi yang jitu bagi pengguna jasa cetak yang hanya memerlukan produk cetakan dalam jumlah sedikit. Dengan teknologi  digital printing,  kita  dapat mencetak sesuai dengan  kebutuhan kita tanpa dibebani biaya yang memang  seharusnya tidak menjadi  tanggungan kita. Karena jumlah cetakan sesuai dengan kebutuhan, maka kita tidak direpotkan lagi dengan masalah  penyimpanan, konten / isi produk cetakan  yang sudah kadaluarsa, biaya yang harus ditanggung diawal dan sebagainya. Selain itu, teknologi digital printing bersifat instant,dapat ditunggu. Artinya, untuk mencetak 100 – 1000 lembar produk cetak  yang berbeda, kita hanya perlu menunggu  beberapa jam saja sampai  produk cetakan yang kita pesan jadi.  Bahkan, teknologi ini memungkinkan kita untuk  melihat desain dan manajemen warna dari cetakan yang kita pesan sebelum dilakukan proses pencetakan. Dengan demikian, kita dapat memastikan  produk cetak akhir yang dihasilkan benar-benar sesuai dengan yang kita inginkan.
Sebagai perbandingan, di bawah ini disajikan tabel perbandingan harga cetak mesin offset dengan harga cetak menggunakan mesin digital.

Dari tabel di atas terlihat jelas, bahwa pencetakan dengan teknologi digital printing jauh lebih murah dan lebih cepat pengerjaannya untuk  mencetak dalam jumlah sedikit, beberapa puluh sampai dengan beberapa ratus lembar.

KUALITAS CETAK DAN PENGENDALIANNYA (Keseragaman/Kestabilan Tinta Cetak)

Keseragaman dan kestabilan lapisan tinta adalah suatu nilai ketebalan atau kehitaman lapisan tinta yang dicapai oleh perpaduan antara jenis kertas dengan jenis tinta cetak dan dengan warna tertentu. Setiap pabrik tinta cetak memproduksi jenis tinta yang disesuaikan dengan jenis kertas, karakter kertas bahkan bahan baku kertas. Karena itu perpaduan jenis kertas dan jenis tinta yang tepat akan dapat diperoleh nilai tebal tinta yang ideal. Lapisan tinta yang ideal/normal adalah suatu lapisan tinta maksimal yang dapat dicapai pada kertas, bahwa dengan nilai tebal lapisan tinta tersebut, detail titik raster tidak berubah membesar atau mengecil dan tidak berubah bentuk (tidak terjadi dot-gain).

Aspek-aspek teknis yang mempengaruhi kesempurnaan lapisan tinta :
a. Sistem penintaan mesin cetak ofset dituntut syarat-syarat agar mampu menghasilkan lapisan tinta stabil, seperti : (1) kondisi fisik rol-rol tinta (terutama rol-rol karet) memiliki nilai kekenyalan sesuai dengan fungsinya, diameter yang sama, permukaan karet redup dan berpori-pori; (2) posisi (tekanan diantara rol-rol) baik, terutama tekanan antara rol jilat dengan rol bak tinta harus baik, rol jilat dengan rol distribusi harus sempurna,  tekanan  rol-rol form / rol
(lebar pertemuan rol-rol form diatas pelat ± 6% dari diameter rol), rol-rol form harus sempurna tekanannya ke rol-rol distribusi; kemudian (3) perbandingan luas permukaan seluruh permukaan rol-rol tinta dibanding dengan luas permukaan bidang cetak sebaiknya mencapai (7 s.d 8) : 1. Sistem penintaan yang demikian akan mampu memberikan/menyalurkan  jumlah lapisan tinta yang stabil sesuai dengan luas bidang cetak (printing area) mesin cetaknya.
b. Sistem pengendalian lapisan tinta. Pengendalian/pengaturan lapisan tinta dengan manual (dilakukan operator melalui penyetelan baut penyetel pada bak tinta) sangat tergantung dari ketrampilan dan kecermatan operatornya. Sistem penyetelan lapisan tinta dengan remote control inking system memberi-kan kemudahan penyetelan lapisan tinta, namun demikian tetap harus dilakukan monitoring tebal lapisan tinta pada hasil cetakan.
c. Pemanfaatan peralatan dan sarana pengendali lapisan tinta (seperti densitometer, spectro-fotometer), yang mampu mengukur tidak saja tebal lapisan tinta, tetapi juga trapping, dot gain, register, dll.
Persyaratan pemanfaatan peralatan pengendali tinta ini dalam model gambar yang dicetak harus diikutsertakan sarana pengendali, yaitu: color control strip/print control strip/color bar dan printability test form. Sarana pengendali printability test form berisi elemen gambar ukur yang mampu mendeteksi : kondisi mesin, kondisi rol tinta, kondisi rol air, kesesuaian antara kerataan/kehalusan permukaan kertas dengan kehalusan raster, tebal lapisan tinta, trapping, dot gain, dll.

Gambar “printability test form/acuan penguji kemampuan cetak”, adalah suatu model acuan yang terdiri dari berbagai elemen gambar yang dapat berfungsi : mendeteksi kondisi mesin cetak, rol-rol tinta dan rol air, keseimbangan air dan tinta, kesesuaian antara tinta dan kertas, kemampuan operator mesin cetak, dll
Perkembangan teknologi mesin cetak dari beberapa pabrik mesin cetak sudah sangat canggih dengan mengaplikasikan perkembangan teknik komputer, (seperti pabrik-pabrik mesin cetak di Eropa dan di Asia) sehingga pengoperasian mesin, pengendalian lapisan tinta, penyetelan awal tebal tinta/pre-setting, ketepatan cetak, pengendalian distribusi air dan distribusi tinta, dll sudah terintegrasi didalam mesin cetaknya, sehingga operator semakin dimudahkan oleh perkembangan teknologi ini.
Jadi dapat diambil satu pengertian umum bahwa kualitas suatu barang cetakan (model apapun, warna khusus atau proses, satu warna maupun multi warna) dapat ditentukan melalui : mutu pewarnaan (kestabilan dan keseragaman warna atau keseragaman lapisan tinta), kelengkapan atau detail elemen cetak, batasan nilai nada, ketepatan cetak/register, penumpukan warna pada cetakan multi warna, serta sifat permukaan kertas atau bahan cetaknya.
Usaha untuk melakukan standardisasi disegala aspek dan unsur didalam proses produksi cetak (misal standardisasi mesin cetak, proses produksi cetak, alur proses produksi, standardisasi kertas, tinta, bahan pendukung produksi, bahkan standardisasi ketrampilan/keahlian teknis produksi) sedang dirintis dan dilakukan.
Mengingat rumitnya melakukan standardisasi bidang cetak-mencetak ini, maka beberapa terminologi/batasan kebiasaan di industri percetakan untuk merujuk suatu kualitas barang cetakan sering masih dilakukan, yaitu :
1.Warna hasil cetakan sesuai atau mendekati benar dengan contoh/sample maupun proofnya.
Yang menjadi pembahasan kemudian adalah jenis-jenis sample dan proof/cetak coba yang dipergunakan oleh pemesan untuk dipedomani oleh operator cetaknya.Macam-macam sample dan proof,yaitu :
a. Contoh/sample hasil cetakan (terdahulu).
Masalah yang muncul dalam mempedomani hasil cetakan terdahulu sebagai standard pencetakan adalah :
    1). Jenis bahan cetak (kertas) harus sama;
    2). Jenis tinta cetak harus sama;
    3). Teknik cetak harus sama;
    4). Mesin cetaknya ?
Apabila unsur-unsur diatas yang terdapat pada cetakan terdahulu tidak sama dengan pencetakan yang sedang berlangsung, maka hasilnya tidak akan sama. Misalnya : perbedaan kertas akan mempengaruhi kecerahan warna, karena dalam kurun waktu tertentu warna kertas akan berubah, dan warna cetakan terdahulu juga akan berubah, dan seterusnya perbedaan unsur diatas akan menghasilkan cetakan yang berbeda dengan contohnya.
b. Proof hasil dari cetakan mesin proof.
Hasil cetak dari mesin proof berbeda dengan hasil cetak mesin produksi, karena berbagai persyaratan teknis produksi, seperti :
1). Konstruksi sistem penintaan tidak sama
2). Sistem pembasahan tidak sama.
3). Sistem transportasi kertas sangat berbeda,
4). Pengaturan skala tekanan cetak pada mesin proof dan mesin
    produksi sangat berbeda
c.  Sample/contoh dari digital proofing. Warna hasil dari digital proofing tidak sama benar dengan warna hasil cetakan, karena bahan pewarna/pigment pada warna untuk digital proofing berbeda dengan pigment pada tinta cetak.

Conductivity Water (Water Treatment)

Parameter Kualitas Air

Kualitas air secara umum menunjukkan mutu atau kondisi air yang dihubungkan dengan suatu kegiatan atau keperluan tertentu. Dengan demikian, kualitas air yang diinginkan akan tergantung pada proses kegiatan itu sendiri, sebagai contoh: kualitas air untuk kebutuhan air minum akan berbeda dengan kualitas air untuk kebutuhan industri, Secara umum kualitas air berhubungan dengan kandungan bahan terlarut didalamnya. Tingkat kandungan dari bahan tersebut akan menentukan kelayakannya.

Turbidity atau kekeruhan adalah adanya partikel koloid dan suspensi dari suatu bahan pencemar antara lain beberapa bahan organik dan bahan anorgnik merupakan padatan/solid yang tidak larut dalam air. Ukuran partikel solid bervariasi dari 0,45 micron sampai yang paling besar (1 micron = 0,001 mm). Contoh ; pasir, debu, lumpur, lendir/BIO-FOULING. 

Conductivity adalah jumlah mineral yang larut di dalam air/dissolved solid dan menjadi larutan yang homogen. Conductivity tidak tergantung pada jenis mineral yang larut di dalam air. Ukuran partikel solid bervariasi sampai lebih kecil dari 0.45 micron (1 micron = 0,001 mm). Contoh ; minerals seperti Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Chloride (Cl), Sulfate (SO4), Silicate (SiO2), Phosphate (PO4), Nitrate (NO3), dll. Setiap minerals mempunyai harga batas kelarutan di dalam air. Pengaruh mineral terlarut membuat air tidak 100% pure (as H2O) dan semakin besar mineral yang larut di dalam air, maka conductivity akan semakin besar yang cenderung akan dapat menyebabkan terjadinya problem kerak.

pH merupakan suatu ekspresi dari konsentrasi ion hidrogen (H+) di dalam air atau lebih mudah dikatakan sebagai derajat ke-ASAM-an air.
Definisi yang formal tentang pH adalah negatif logaritma dari aktifitas ion hidrogen yang dapat dinyatakan dengan persamaan : pH = - log [H+]
pH sangat penting sebagai parameter kualitas air karena pH mengontrol tipe dan laju kecepatan reaksi beberapa bahan di dalam air. Selain itu mahluk hidup di dalam air seperti ikan hidup pada selang pH tertentu, sehingga dengan diketahuinya nilai pH maka kita akan tahu apakah air tersebut sesuai atau tidak untuk menunjang kehidupan mereka. Besaran pH berkisar 0 (sangat asam) sampai dengan 14 (sangat basa/alkalis). Nilai pH kurang dari 7 menunjukkan lingkungan yang masam , sedangkan pH diatas 7 menunjukkan lingkungan yang basa (alkalin). pH = 7 disebut sebagai netral. Fluktuasi pH air sangat ditentukan oleh alkalinitas air tersebut. Apabila alkalinitasnya tinggi maka air tersebut akan mudah mengembalikan pH-nya ke nilai semula apabila terjadi perubahan pada nilai pH.

Alkalinitas secara umum menunjukkan konsentrasi basa atau bahan yang mampu menetralisir kemasaman dalam air. Secara khusus, alkalinitas sering disebut sebagai besaran yang menunjukkan kapasitas pem-bufffer-an dari ion bikarbonat, dan sampai tahap tertentu ion karbonat dan hidroksida dalam air. Ketiga ion tersebut di dalam air akan bereaksi dengan ion hidrogen sehingga menurunkan kemasaman dan menaikan pH.

Kesetimbangan : CO2, HCO3-, CO32- & OH- 
P, M, O Alkalinity
O-Alkalinity  = 2P-M atau 2.5 X Silica

SiO2  +  2NaOH -->  2NaSiO3 + H2O

O-Alkalinity berfungsi mengikat silica menjadi Na2SiO3 atau MgSiO2 untuk dikeluarkan melalui blowdown.

pH semakin besar, maka Alkalinity juga semakin besar & cenderung membentuk scale, spt CaCO3, Mg(OH)2. Alkalinitas pada umumnya dinyatakan dalam satuan ppm (mg/l) kalsium karbonat (CaCO3). Air dengan kandungan kalsium karbonat lebih dari 100 ppm disebut sebagai alkalin, sedangkan air dengan kandungan kurang dari 100 ppm disebut sebagai lunak atau tingkat alkalinitas sedang.

Kesadahan (Hardness) merupakan petunjuk kemampuan air untuk membentuk busa apabila dicampur dengan sabun. Pada air berkesadahan rendah, air akan dapat membentuk busa apabila dicampur dengan sabun, sedangkan pada air berkesadahan tinggi tidak akan terbentuk busa. Kesadahan pada umumnya dinyatakan dalam satuan ppm (mg/l) kalsium karbonat (CaCO3). Secara lebih rinci kesadahan dibagi dalam dua tipe, yaitu ; kesadahan umum ("general hardness" atau GH) dan kesadahan karbonat ("carbonate hardness" atau KH). Disamping dua tipe kesadahan tersebut, dikenal pula tipe kesadahan yang lain yaitu yang disebut sebagai kesadahan total atau total hardness. Kesadahan total merupakan penjumlahan dari GH dan KH.

Kesadahan umum (GH) atau "General Hardness" merupakan ukuran yang menunjukkan jumlah ion kalsium (Ca++) dan ion magnesium (Mg++) dalam air. Ion-ion lain sebenarnya ikut pula mempengaruhi nilai GH, akan tetapi pengaruhnya diketahui sangat kecil dan relatif sulit diukur sehingga diabaikan.GH pada umumnya dinyatakan dalam satuan ppm (part per million/ satu persejuta bagian) kalsium karbonat (CaCO3), tingkat kekerasan (dH), atau dengan menggunakan konsentrasi molar CaCO3. Satu satuan kesadahan Jerman atau dH sama dengan 10 mg CaO (kalsium oksida) per liter air. Di Amerika, kesadahan pada umumnya menggunakan satuan ppm CaCO3, dengan demikian satu satuan Jerman (dH) dapat diekspresikan sebagai 17.8 ppm CaCO3. Sedangkan satuan konsentrasi molar dari 1 mili ekuivalen = 2.8 dH = 50 ppm. Berikut adalah kriteria selang kesadahan yang biasa dipakai:

0 - 4 dH, 0 - 70 ppm : sangat rendah (sangat lunak)
4 - 8 dH, 70 - 140 ppm : rendah (lunak)
8 - 12 dH, 140 - 210 ppm : sedang
12 - 18 dH, 210 - 320 ppm : agak tinggi (agak keras)
18 - 30 dH, 320 - 530 ppm : tinggi (keras)

Color Proofing Digital with Epson Stylus Pro 7900 and 9900 more than a decade, Epson has set the standard by which all other photographic printing technologies are judged. So, when we decided to develop an entirely new generation of photographic printing technology, the significance of this effort inspired our engineers to rethink everything. Introducing the all-new Epson Stylus Pro 7900 and 9900 printers. Representing our next generation, the Epson Stylus Pro 7900 (24-inch) and Epson Stylus Pro 9900 (44-inch) incorporate our latest achievements in photographic ink jet technology. By combining the precision of our MicroPiezo TFP™ print head with the extraordinary performance of Epson UltraChrome® HDR Ink, our newest generation of Epson Stylus Pro printers continues to represent a level of technology unprecedented in Epson’s history. Epson UltraChrome HDR represents our latest generation of pigment ink technology. Now utilizing ten colors — including an all-new Orange and Green — Epson UltraChrome HDR Ink produces the widest color gamut ever from an Epson Stylus Pro printer. Even more remarkable, combining Epson UltraChrome HDR Ink with our new Epson AccuPhoto™ HDR screening technology dramatically raises the level of print quality and once again sets a new benchmark standard for photographic reproduction. Our advanced Epson MicroPiezo TFP print head is capable of producing higher quality prints, at speeds almost twice as fast as our previous generation. And, with our latest ink-repelling coating and auto nozzle verification technologies, clogged nozzles are virtually eliminated. Developed in partnership with X-Rite, Epson has incorporated an optional, high performance, in-line spectrophotometer. When driven by the latest front-end RIPs, Epson SpectroProofer™ can automate any color management process in your commercial proofing workflow. With printers capable of handling virtually any media type, in roll or cut sheet, up to 24 or 44 inches wide, Epson sets the standard for professional media use. Whether producing sellable color or black-andwhite photography, fine art reproduction, or producing color accurate commercial and flexographic proofs for client approvals, never before have Creative Professionals had such powerful tools, allowing them to produce their vision without compromise. With every introduction of a new Epson Stylus Pro printer, we continue to innovate and refine the overall experience. With the introduction of our latest Epson Stylus Pro 7900 and 9900 printers, Epson is once again redefining what’s possible from photographic ink jet printing.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Print technology is developing very rapidly. New players in the world kreatifpun increasingly mushrooming. Disciplines are also becoming a world overshadowed varied, graphic design, packaging design, web design, and photography is a fraction of the number of coverage in these disciplines.

Standardization is required in each discipline, although there was a relationship with one another. Graphic design, especially those associated with printing, offset, print, has a different standard to other branches of design.

Small things sometimes forgotten by a designer when creating artwork for the preparation of offset printing. They've learned a lot about color theory, typography, psychology, communication. But they did not pay attention, whether they already meet the design standards for offset printing. From the visual side of good, a good concept without memadahi based on knowledge of print preparation (pre press) could result in the failure of a design masterpiece.

I take the easiest example is the standard color. It takes little in-depth understanding of color, what color system used in offset printing. Because there are differences in every field of design, is the most common color system RGB, CMYK, and color hex plumpness for website creation.

In this article I was little mention of the color management / color management. Because so many designers are now less understanding about color management. Even the color system dipakaipun sometimes wrong.
We've struggled to create captivating design, a luxury, but when printing received complaints from consumers. Of course we do not want this to happen to us. Moreover bear the losses from the mistakes we make. Consumers protest because of the color printout is different from when we ACCkan.


It is very necessary to deal with mistakes, harmonize consumer desires with what designers intended.

Proof Type:

1. Design Proof
2. Proof Contak
3. Page Proof
4. Imposition Proof

Proof-ing has several purposes, generally as a consumer desire to harmonize the process with the designer, as a standard color reference.

Color Management

Proofing is part of the standard color, the color intended to print to meet the expected standard, consistent, and measurable, harmony between the print colors, monitors, and proofing.

The problem that often arises is the lack of match between proofing, monitor, and print output. There are several factors that cause these things happen. Factor, printing inks, printing machines, and paper. Each type of ink and paper has a different character.

In addition, the input process, namely basic materials also determine the final outcome, whether from repro, digital photos, or other media. Will influence also on the printout.

Solutions to minimize error is to use measuring devices, calibration of all equipment (monitor, scanner, printer) and color chart / finder.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Effect of Engine Calibration PrePRESS In Improving Print Quality

How much influence the design of the mold?
what is the impact design with different software-software ..?
is there any standard software of the printing press because there are some who design software available today?

To design, in fact that often the problem was the designers hope, so that designs can be printed as closely as possible with as imagined.
Well, the condition of the engine that's different, let alone get to the engine offset (web / sheet feed), want to Imagesetter or plate setter course there must be degradation if we do not know the characteristics of the engine.

Any software engga there is a problem. The most elaborate example today is to overcome the transparency / Flatten Image

the type of vector, bitmap file reply is usually safer ...

Well, if if is working on the prepressnya, we own, we'll know we tuch RIP capabilities, but, if thrown out, wait a minute, not necessarily.

Image must be "tuned" according to its web engine capabilities, both in terms of speed and print capabilities.

When we design, we've set as expected on a web machine, but we forgot our image setter also has a share of the display. The result, so keep baseball as expected.
Indeed, for digital printing, because fewer variants to be more simple ... from workstation designers can directly or via PDF directly to the RIP, his server printer.

Meanwhile, if we use the offset, the variant is more diverse and that determines the ability of the engine also supported by some of the items ... it is a little more should be known by the designer for not often disappointed by the outcome. If the problem recommendation software .. may generally adobe freehand family ... also have been purchased by Adobe.

And at Adobe has also been boosted with enough color profiling system that is quite okay for print needs.
in order to WYIWYG ... what you see is what you get.
Regardless of the engine or printing method, if you want more designs save printing, variants that will be passed we need to know the details.
For example if want to be outsourced or given to a printing firm, which became the benchmark is usually the result of proofing that he love, with its assumption of the proof engine is adjusted profile with the capability of printing machines which would be used.
Why is that? ... printing machine was khan of the most expensive and big, so updates take the longest, the profile that we use so that we reference in reading the limitations of printing capabilities.
If the limitations of the machine which we will use it can be read on the front, designers become more 'confident' to make his designs.
So do not blame the printing machine, if the print does not match ...

This will be much better, if we make a film myself and nyetak own ... because we would understand the true condition of the machines that will be passed by the job earlier.

Design Standards.

Of course with the tools and their parameters, such as

- Standard color (color reference guides, Pantone, tc, etc)

- Standard composition of colors (color gamut)

- Understanding error hue (color irregularities)

- Standard error delta (Color Management)

- Good way to see the color (lamp, tld 65, etc.)

RIP-plus again he started the version number?

Why is that?
If his baseball RIP directly attached to the computer designer, designers usually will to save his job level with its software version.
For example = Pake Indesign CS4, but it is still old school which RIP version postcript not use PDF, models such as this, the result is really unpredictable

because of the ability of interpretation RIPnya jadul khan, while software designs have much higher knowledge ....

In the computer designer, cool design view ... so the RIP, image and text is a pockmarked, there is a misah, some piled .. things like this that must be addressed.

Calibration and profile making all the equipment we used during the printing process, should be performed.

But many actors who would do this mikirnya very long. For those who fully understand their function, they will be well aware, but which ngertinya half, certainly horrified really ngelihat 'waste' that will be wasted.

Calibration was actually working for as much as possible restore the ability of each machine to be as optimal as possible. For CTP and CTF machine usually over time, the laser has decreased the ability, so engga linear again. Well, CTF or CTP is if we want to create a reference, should be in the linear condition. What is linear sich? ... That Linear raster condition of 2%, discharge, O 2% in film or plate, 3% O 3% & and so on. After it goes wrong, we try new dech see the condition of the printing press. We make reference. We'll see how the machine to interpret the image. There is a dot gain .. we see the ink, flat or engga ... the things we fix it ... then after okay .. we have just stepped into the profiling that enables workstation designers can know the condition of the produksinya.Menutrut experience hell ...
Calibration was actually working for as much as possible restore the ability of each machine to be as optimal as possible. To CTP or CTF machine usually over time, the laser has decreased the ability, so not linear anymore. Well, this CTP CTF ato if we want to create a reference, should be in the linear condition. What is linear it ... the linear raster condition of 2% O 2% at discharge ato film plate, 3% O 3% etc. ... After it goes wrong, just deh try nangkep condition of the printing press. We make reference ... na we see how the machine interprets the image. There Ntar dot gain ... ato mean we do not see ink ... na ... the things that we benahin ... okay ... then after we have just stepped into the profiling of memungkinakan workstation designers can "know" the condition of its production ...

Not the CTF and CTP course you know who skip the calibration process ... all monitors, scanners (if you still use), proofer (also if any) should also through the calibration process. For example on the monitor, the monitor light day we will increasingly shift its light color ... of which had been okay, so it looks more green or red ... because the value of the RGB phosphor provider starts to diminish its light color in there. Well, in this condition the user should also know ... there are tools to determine the value of Kelvin the light of the monitor.

plate / film linear key for machine calibration, meaning that can be used as reference to find how much the mechanical dot gain our printing machines. If you've met profile machine (dot gain, density), then the machine data can be made a reference to the calibration proofer. So, what can later be issued proofer in akomodir / achieved by our printing machines, the color will be very small deviations occur. Advertisers or customers will know more once the results, like what before printing. Phosphor RGB color giver of light began to decrease in situ.
Na ... This condition of the wearer should also know ... there are tools to learn the value of the light monitor Kelvin.

Mean obviously there are things that must be bridged between the ability of printing and imaging capabilities of prepress plate.
interesting to discuss the WASTE that may occur during the process ... yes Dlm calibration process?

To Waste ...
The earliest is from the movie auto plate CTP or CTF. When we checked the linear machine, depending on the condition of the engine ... we are definitely checking allignment laser, sometimes here could be a few plate / film that we output a perfect allignment until we can get.
Then a new step into the raster. We have to check several times exposure to check its density. For the film, we first check its density image, we use a step to the plate FOGRA .. this depends on the type of plate is also .. for photopolymer for example, we usually use two third dark shadows, etc ... each plate from different vendors is also setting its exposure.

After exposure to new dech wrong ... we see the percentage of raster. 2% of its out how to 99% & a lot of precision measuring instruments that can measure the value raster ranging from 2% to 98% only. But, that should suffice.

From prepress machine that can be imagined khan how much should we output. Especially to the standard engine sparse. Kalo aja destitute just done.
Many customers are very conscious of the value raster, do it at least 2x a day, at the beginning of work (shift1 and second shift) ...
After the prepress is complete, we created a new reference image which we will print. Usually it consists of many color patches to create a profile of printing machines and all machines proofer.

Well, when we last checked in on the value raster prepress machine, etc. .. It has not been associated with the workstation, but purely from the engine.

Now, because we send the reference image .. we see again in CTF or CTP result ... after a measured completely linear, we continue to dech new printing machine. image which we will print. Usually it comprises so many color patches to create a profile of printing machines and machines proofer all ... maybe one time I'll try to post examples of reference image for the calibration and profiling yah ... (But which can be posted yach ?)...
Well, when we last checked in on the value raster prepress machine, etc. ... was not related to each workstation, but purely from the engine.
Na ... now because we are sending a reference image ... we look again at CTF CTP results ato ... after the measured linear bener, we deh terusin new to the printing press ...

Having reached the printing press ... we just started to involve other waste more ... paper, ink, etc. ... Often that had a machine, nyetak origin same thickness of ink already in the parts of the image that has been marked, it is equal ... stopped ... but ... stability of ink that's different backgrounds on each machine and its length depends on the run as well, sometimes we can see other parts of the printout is still less ink, etc. ... but the engine had stopped. Because it can be imagined, the paper has been kebuang how much ... and again, they certainly can not do another job ...

It's in the press ..

Then, after the printing machine goes wrong ... we get results ...

We stepped into the proof engine.

Any process that we went through last ... we'll never be able to see the same gamut ... although both CMYK.
Well, calibration for machine proof is a bit more proof that our paper output.
First ... we must determine the UCR and GCR that fit for us so that if the proof machine black mold proofing color is not white but can be bluish or redish black puree and gradation.

After that new dech, we stepped into the color. This proof machine khan prepared to represent a wider color gamut of all the machines that we use from the work station until the printing press .. nah, we must reduce gamutnya so he can represent the colors that can be printed by the printing machine.

Especially for the image with the colors of the process ..

Not to mention the machine proof we will often find the results with the image bending, .. nah, kalo udah no bending lines ... khan results are not perfect ... things like these that make wastenya so make this proof ngeri.Mesin khan prepared to represent a wider color gamut of all the machines that we use from the workstation until the machine print ... nah, we must reduce gamutnya so he can represent the colors that can be printed by the printing press ...

although its a lot of waste during the process of calibration and profiling (often well done) ... more done gentlemen, do not be payable. Because its going to waste even more.
Or if a half-half, the result will not be good ... such as that had submitted, for fear of spending a lot of paper, ink is so thick in places marked are okay, straight stops, but on-it still is a striped, continue to be forced measured, well, you can imagine the results. Not the expected results in the future, these results could be a benchmark baseball ... eventually waste which was already much more so bener2 wasteless.

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