Monday, April 4, 2011

The process of CTP (Computer To Plate)

In accordance term direct-to-plate image-making process at the plate without using a photo reproduction of film-making process,
image printed directly on the plates directly from computer files. Digital files do not need to be changed or modified to several files
different because it is programed with RIPs systems, processes performed on all the filming done enough
using a mouse click and enter data via keyboard. The concept of making exactly the same berimage plate, according to the data file
designed / design but in a way that is totally different.

Excess direct-to-plate:
CTP plate production increases faster time, consistency and image quality of printed images. This method requires more time
Short of an offset lithography printing manner analogous because combining two processes into one. Manpower clear
reduced because no longer need to make photographic film reproduction. At least when we can save 20-30% with CTP. The resulting image
also more clear, sharp and accurate than traditional analog printing dot that appears for a cleaner and their image
The first - directly to printing plates, dot-gain effect is also reduced. Other savings from the material aspect that is less supply,
employees can be reduced and not use the camera more reproduce, so the less required space. These savings could
used as incentives for print and a factor price competition to attract new customers.

Lack of direct-to-plate:
Most people familiar with the images printed with dot-gain is large and looks darker. Not infrequently the customer will feel strange
with good results "unusual" is. Need for printing to provide an understanding of this new good stuff to the customer,
so accustomed. CTP is also the responsibility of changing the print quality of the original full-on printing, switching to "digital file creator" - people
which makes the image file.

Common problems encountered
In the lithography printing process, there are many possibilities to change or correct the wrong things in the movie. Not so on
CTP, printing operators should really guarantee clean image file. Consider the following things, save the file in CMYK format
rather than RGB, and use the exact specifications such as: (1) "bleed amount" appropriate, (2) make sure all the letters and high-resolution image
entry in the file, and (3) check the use of spot-color correct, etc..

The repair process of digital image files either in desperate need of a lot of time, which ultimately reduces excess CTP of analog film system.


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