Thursday, December 23, 2010

Inventors Paper

The inventor of paper material Ts'ai Lun likely a foreign name that sounded in the ear of the reader. Considering how important findings, it is very surprising that the Western people underestimate just like that. Not a few big encyclopedia articles do not put their name a word. This is indeed
outrageous. Judging from the corner of the importance of usability is very scarce Ts'ai Lun's paper mentioned can cause suspicion lest Ts'ai Lun, a figure erratic and unreliable presence or absence. However, thorough investigation to prove with absolute certainly that was Ts'ai Lun
really exists and not the kind of genie in a fairy tale.

He was a civil servant at the royal court in the year 105 AD to present examples of paper to the Emperor Ho Ti. Chinese records of the discovery was Ts'ai Lun (included in the official historiography of the Han dynasty) is completely straightforward and trustworthy, without any slightest scent of magic or fairy tales. Chinese people always connect the name of Ts'ai Lun, the inventor of paper and his name famous throughout China.

Not much is known about the life of Ts'ai Lun, unless there were people calling him kebirian. Noted also very excited with the discovery of the emperor Ts'ai Lun, and he made him a promotion, to a degree of nobility and by itself be a baron. However, later he was involved in a plot that dragged into the anti-palace downfall.
These notes refer to China - after he kicked - Ts'ai Lun clean bathroom, wearing a beautiful dress, then took a sip of poison.

The use of paper spread all over China in the 2nd century, and in some
century, China was able to export only paper to Asian countries. China's long time secret of how to fabrication of this paper. In the year 751, what is immoral, some experts the paper maker captured by the Arabs so that in a short paper is diprodusir in Baghdad and
Sarmarkand. Fabrication technique of paper spread across the Arab world and the new in the 12th century the Europeans learned this technique. After that use
paper started to develop extensive and after Gutenberg invented the modern printing, paper replace the goat skin as a means of writing in the West.

Now the use of paper is so general that no one could imagine a world without paper forms. In China before the invention of Ts'ai Lun, general books made of bamboo. Shit just kind of book is too heavy and clumsy. There are also books that are made of silk but the price is very expensive for the public. While in the West - before there was paper - the book written on goat skin or cow. This material as
Papyrus successor favored by Greeks, Romans and Egyptians. Both leather and papyrus not only includes the price of scarce goods but also difficult to reach.

Now, whether writing a book somewhere else to diprodusir goods cheaply and in large numbers at the same time scale. This is all thanks to the paper. Indeed, the significance of the paper is not so prominent in the absence of printing, but instead of printing was not much meaning in the absence of paper materials that so many and so cheap.

Rather abstruse question now: Who should order more upper level between Ts'ai Lun and Gutenberg? Though I also complicated to determine who among these two people connect together-just as important, but eventually I took the decision level of Ts'ai Lun, a little higher in order than Gutenberg. The reasons I like this: (1) Paper
used a lot solely for writing materials. (2) Ts'ai Lun preceded Gutenberg and Gutenberg probably unthinkable to make printing machines if paper was not found. (3) If only one of them make the creation, I suspect that without the machine was created by Gutenberg's books can still be diprodusir through block printing system (which has long been known long before Gutenberg) through a combination of paper rather than through
combination with sheep skin.

What is the place to enter both Ts'ai Lun and Gutenberg in the order of those most influential in the world? To explore meanings
The perfect essential about the invention of paper and printing press, it is necessary to understand the development of Western culture and Chinese. Before entering the 2nd century AD Chinese culture is still in tarap lower than Western culture. But in a thousand years AD, the progress China has exceeded the West even in the 7th century and 8th Chinese culture in many ways is the most advanced cultures in the world. After the 15th century AD, western China speeding leave behind. Various cultural settlement of these changes has been developed, but the lesson seems to preach the theory that precisely one important aspect in my opinion
just an explanation that tersederhana nature.

Bamboo pieces are washed and dipped in water rights as a beginning step fabrication of paper preparation.

Certainly true, farming and writing evolved over the Middle East duIu than China. But this is not an answer to why Chinese culture is so slow and behind the West. One problem
unlikely, in my opinion, is before the Ts'ai Lun no one else in China-quality writing. In the Western world papyrus already exist, and although the material is on the decline, writing in the form of rolls unlimited
in number and better books written on quality than wood or bamboo. Lack of material to write a major inhibiting factor advancement of Chinese culture. A Chinese scholar needs a cart to carry a number of books which he considers useful. Just imagine how berabenya trying to regulate the administration of government with such circumstances.

The invention of paper by Ts'ai Lun overhauled condition. With a number of writing materials available, Chinese culture shot up so fast that in just a few centuries the West has been able to keep up. Of course, the political divisions in the West became an important cause, but this was not the main reason. In the 4th century AD China was politically fragmented, but let it keep moving forward with a rapid culture. In later centuries, when progress in halting the West, China in fact succeed
achieve important discoveries such as the compass, explosives, and I print with blocks. Since the paper fell cheaper than goat skin and can be obtained in large numbers, the situation is now reversed.

After Western people began to use paper, they were able to sit facing China, and even managed to narrow the gap
cultural. Marco Polo's writings emphasize his belief that even in the 13th century AD China was far above Europe in terms of prosperity.

Why then China is behind Europe? Various cultural assessments njlimet been tried, but perhaps the observation technology
simple to find the answer. In the 15th century in Europe, a genius named Johann Gutenberg discovered how to produce lots of books.

As a result of those findings, the European culture thrive. Since China does not have someone like Gutenberg, the Chinese stayed in block printing system
so that progress more slowly crawling culture.

Bamboo squash
Raise a sheet of paper
Pressing the sheet of paper
Drying sheets of paper

If one accepts the analysis above, he can not not have to accept
conclusion that Ts'ai Lun and Gutenberg are two people who are
central figure in world history.

Indeed, Ts'ai Lun was in the front row of the other inventors
for several reasons. Generally the findings are the product of
its time and can also occur even if people really find it
had never lived at all. However, this situation does not apply at all


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