Monday, December 27, 2010

Monitor Color Calibration Techniques in Windows with Adobe Gamma

Each digital photo enthusiasts who print photos jepretannya results certainly have the experience when the composition of color prints with the printer turned out to differ with the composition of color images on the screen of his PC monitor. Create an amateur, it may not be significant problems. But for professionals such as photographers or layouter, this is an annoying problem. Why so?

Well, nothing is wrong. That's solely due to differences in ability between the monitor and printer in tonal reproduction. The ability of the printer in tonal reproduction / tone is much narrower than the monitor.

Technically, all the colors that can not be reproduced on the print medium is called out-of-gamut color. As an illustration, you can just create a fantastic color composition with Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign, but only a subset of these colors can be printed on paper.

To reduce the gap difference in the ability of the monitor and printer, need to do a technique called color monitor-printer calibration. With calibration, the monitor color reproduction capabilities will be a little "muted" and adjusted to a desktop printer color reproduction capabilities. Thus, the printout of a picture will not be too far different from what you see on your PC monitor screen.

The steps for calibrating the monitor are as follows:


If your CRT monitor, let him fire at least half an hour. This will provide sufficient heating time thus giving a more accurate reading of high color.

Adjust light / indoor lighting to a level where you will often work on the lighting level.

Double-click Adobe Gamma icon in Control Panel (if you do not find it, change the appearance of the Control Panel to Classic View then seen the display icon). Adobe Gamma window opens:

Adobe Gamma

If you want an easy way, select the Wizard and follow the instructions given. Done. However, this tutorial will discuss how a little challenging, so select Control Panel option if you like challenges, and then click Next.

Adobe Gamma Setting

See description area. If your monitor is listed there, select / select your monitor is.

Click the Load button beside it, then locate and open the monitor ICC profile that best suits your monitor. To view the full name of the ICC profile at the bottom of the Open Monitor Profile dialog box, select the file (File profiles in Windows have the. ICM. select one and click Open).

Adjusting brightness and contrast optimal:

While Adobe Gamma keep running, set the Contrast to maximum points. (Note: Contrast and Brightness settings monitor through the monitor settings button which is usually located at the bottom of your monitor)

Next you set the brightness while watching column Brightness and Contrast in Adobe Gamma. Set in such a way that the rows of gray boxes turn form the dark as possible, but not until the blend / color with the color of a row of black boxes that criss-cross with him. While the white box at the bottom should be kept to a white colored light. Dizziness is not it? See the picture below:




A: The box is too light gray. Wrong.
B: The box is too dark gray and white boxes become gray. Wrong.
C: Box of gray and white tersetting perfectly. Right.

If from the beginning you do not see the color difference between the gray box with a black box, chances are the amount of phosphorus on the screen of your monitor has been reduced (fading). The best solution is to buy a new monitor:-D. Another possibility you could also suffer from partial color blindness. If so, represent the work of friends or relatives who berpengelihatan normal ...

Once you set the Contrast and Brightness, do not do it again unless you will update the monitor profile.

Choosing phosphorus data:

The content of phosphorus on the day after that your monitor determines the scope (range) of color you can see on the monitor.

Phospor Setting

Select the type of phosphor used in your monitor. Generally, the monitor uses the type of phosphor EBU / ITU or the Trinitron.

If your monitor is not the type of phosphorus contained in the list, but you've got data chromaticity coordinates of the monitor you have, select Custom, theninput the the data .

If you do not know, check the manual that came back on the monitor, contact the manufacturer representative / agent monitor, or if necessary use the color intensity measuring devices such as colorimeter and spectrophotometer. But I think few people are willing to Indonesia until much for troublesome ..

Midtones settings:

Deselect the option View Single Gamma Only.

Drag the slider below the box so that the color box in the middle of the blends (blends) with the background color (see picture):

midtones mula2



Be careful in making adjustments midtones. Errors while doing this can cause additional colors (color cast) become invisible on a monitor (but can be seen on the printout)

Selecting a target gamma:

This option is not available on Windows NT, because the NT there is protection shields hardware that makes Adobe Gamma can not communicate with a computer video card. In Windows common (besides NT), set the target of Gamma on the value of 2:20

Setting the white point (white point) monitor:

White Point Setting

White point is the 'white-white', aka the limits of the monitor to display the color white as possible. White point measured by Kelvin color temperature.

If you know the exact white point of your monitor, select the drop-down menu available. If your monitor is new, set / set to 9300 K which is the default value of most PC monitors and televisions.

Save a monitor profile:

If you have finished setting, you must save the ICC profile that you created.

In the Adobe Gamma, rename the profile monitors posted on Description text box (for example, we give a new profile name "My Monitor"), and then click OK.

In the Save As dialog box, retype the name of the profile, and store in a folder color.

Done. The new color profiles will be used automatically by applications that support ICC-compliant color management, for example (Adobe) Photoshop, InDesign, and so forth.


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