Thursday, December 23, 2010


Layout is a compilation of design elements that relate into a field so as to form an artistic composition. This can also called forms and field management. The main purpose is to display the layout image and text elements to be communicative in a way that allows the reader to receive the information presented.
Grid System

A grid was created as a solution to the problem of arrangement of visual elements in a room. Grid systems are used as tools to simplify creating a visual composition. Through the grid system, a graphic designer to create a systematic way in order to maintain consistency in doing reps of a composition that has been created. The main purpose of the use of grid systems in graphic design is to create a design that communicative and aesthetically satisfying.
The Golden Section

Before we can make the grid, we need a page to put it. In the field of graphic arts, the great proportion of the basis for the manufacture of paper sizes and these principles can be used to compile the balance of a design. Great proportion has been found from ancient times to present proportions are perfect and beautiful.

Dividing a line with a ratio close to the ratio of 8: 13 means that if the line is longer divided by a shorter line results will be similar to long division solid line before the line cut with a longer last.

Great proportion is also known in terms of the Fibonacci series of numbers that each number is the sequence number is the sum of the two previous numbers and in starting from zero. This number series has a ratio of 8: 13 that the ratio of grand proportions. Numbers are often used in the measurement of buildings, architecture, artwork, letters to the layout of a page because the proportions are harmonious. 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 ...

An object that has a great proportion could well satisfy the eye and reflected on natural objects. Fern leaf tip and spiral in a snail's house is an example of the most popular.
The symetrical grid

In a symmetrical grid, right page will reverse exactly like the mirror image of the left page. This gives two equally good margins and margins in the outer margin. To keep the proportions, outer margin has a wider field. Classic layout that was pioneered by Jan Tschichold (1902-1974) a German typographer is based on the size of the page with the proportion 2: 3.


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