Thursday, April 14, 2011


Print technology is developing very rapidly. New players in the world kreatifpun increasingly mushrooming. Disciplines are also becoming a world overshadowed varied, graphic design, packaging design, web design, and photography is a fraction of the number of coverage in these disciplines.

Standardization is required in each discipline, although there was a relationship with one another. Graphic design, especially those associated with printing, offset, print, has a different standard to other branches of design.

Small things sometimes forgotten by a designer when creating artwork for the preparation of offset printing. They've learned a lot about color theory, typography, psychology, communication. But they did not pay attention, whether they already meet the design standards for offset printing. From the visual side of good, a good concept without memadahi based on knowledge of print preparation (pre press) could result in the failure of a design masterpiece.

I take the easiest example is the standard color. It takes little in-depth understanding of color, what color system used in offset printing. Because there are differences in every field of design, is the most common color system RGB, CMYK, and color hex plumpness for website creation.

In this article I was little mention of the color management / color management. Because so many designers are now less understanding about color management. Even the color system dipakaipun sometimes wrong.
We've struggled to create captivating design, a luxury, but when printing received complaints from consumers. Of course we do not want this to happen to us. Moreover bear the losses from the mistakes we make. Consumers protest because of the color printout is different from when we ACCkan.


It is very necessary to deal with mistakes, harmonize consumer desires with what designers intended.

Proof Type:

1. Design Proof
2. Proof Contak
3. Page Proof
4. Imposition Proof

Proof-ing has several purposes, generally as a consumer desire to harmonize the process with the designer, as a standard color reference.

Color Management

Proofing is part of the standard color, the color intended to print to meet the expected standard, consistent, and measurable, harmony between the print colors, monitors, and proofing.

The problem that often arises is the lack of match between proofing, monitor, and print output. There are several factors that cause these things happen. Factor, printing inks, printing machines, and paper. Each type of ink and paper has a different character.

In addition, the input process, namely basic materials also determine the final outcome, whether from repro, digital photos, or other media. Will influence also on the printout.

Solutions to minimize error is to use measuring devices, calibration of all equipment (monitor, scanner, printer) and color chart / finder.


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