Friday, April 8, 2011

Effect of Engine Calibration PrePRESS In Improving Print Quality

How much influence the design of the mold?
what is the impact design with different software-software ..?
is there any standard software of the printing press because there are some who design software available today?

To design, in fact that often the problem was the designers hope, so that designs can be printed as closely as possible with as imagined.
Well, the condition of the engine that's different, let alone get to the engine offset (web / sheet feed), want to Imagesetter or plate setter course there must be degradation if we do not know the characteristics of the engine.

Any software engga there is a problem. The most elaborate example today is to overcome the transparency / Flatten Image

the type of vector, bitmap file reply is usually safer ...

Well, if if is working on the prepressnya, we own, we'll know we tuch RIP capabilities, but, if thrown out, wait a minute, not necessarily.

Image must be "tuned" according to its web engine capabilities, both in terms of speed and print capabilities.

When we design, we've set as expected on a web machine, but we forgot our image setter also has a share of the display. The result, so keep baseball as expected.
Indeed, for digital printing, because fewer variants to be more simple ... from workstation designers can directly or via PDF directly to the RIP, his server printer.

Meanwhile, if we use the offset, the variant is more diverse and that determines the ability of the engine also supported by some of the items ... it is a little more should be known by the designer for not often disappointed by the outcome. If the problem recommendation software .. may generally adobe freehand family ... also have been purchased by Adobe.

And at Adobe has also been boosted with enough color profiling system that is quite okay for print needs.
in order to WYIWYG ... what you see is what you get.
Regardless of the engine or printing method, if you want more designs save printing, variants that will be passed we need to know the details.
For example if want to be outsourced or given to a printing firm, which became the benchmark is usually the result of proofing that he love, with its assumption of the proof engine is adjusted profile with the capability of printing machines which would be used.
Why is that? ... printing machine was khan of the most expensive and big, so updates take the longest, the profile that we use so that we reference in reading the limitations of printing capabilities.
If the limitations of the machine which we will use it can be read on the front, designers become more 'confident' to make his designs.
So do not blame the printing machine, if the print does not match ...

This will be much better, if we make a film myself and nyetak own ... because we would understand the true condition of the machines that will be passed by the job earlier.

Design Standards.

Of course with the tools and their parameters, such as

- Standard color (color reference guides, Pantone, tc, etc)

- Standard composition of colors (color gamut)

- Understanding error hue (color irregularities)

- Standard error delta (Color Management)

- Good way to see the color (lamp, tld 65, etc.)

RIP-plus again he started the version number?

Why is that?
If his baseball RIP directly attached to the computer designer, designers usually will to save his job level with its software version.
For example = Pake Indesign CS4, but it is still old school which RIP version postcript not use PDF, models such as this, the result is really unpredictable

because of the ability of interpretation RIPnya jadul khan, while software designs have much higher knowledge ....

In the computer designer, cool design view ... so the RIP, image and text is a pockmarked, there is a misah, some piled .. things like this that must be addressed.

Calibration and profile making all the equipment we used during the printing process, should be performed.

But many actors who would do this mikirnya very long. For those who fully understand their function, they will be well aware, but which ngertinya half, certainly horrified really ngelihat 'waste' that will be wasted.

Calibration was actually working for as much as possible restore the ability of each machine to be as optimal as possible. For CTP and CTF machine usually over time, the laser has decreased the ability, so engga linear again. Well, CTF or CTP is if we want to create a reference, should be in the linear condition. What is linear sich? ... That Linear raster condition of 2%, discharge, O 2% in film or plate, 3% O 3% & and so on. After it goes wrong, we try new dech see the condition of the printing press. We make reference. We'll see how the machine to interpret the image. There is a dot gain .. we see the ink, flat or engga ... the things we fix it ... then after okay .. we have just stepped into the profiling that enables workstation designers can know the condition of the produksinya.Menutrut experience hell ...
Calibration was actually working for as much as possible restore the ability of each machine to be as optimal as possible. To CTP or CTF machine usually over time, the laser has decreased the ability, so not linear anymore. Well, this CTP CTF ato if we want to create a reference, should be in the linear condition. What is linear it ... the linear raster condition of 2% O 2% at discharge ato film plate, 3% O 3% etc. ... After it goes wrong, just deh try nangkep condition of the printing press. We make reference ... na we see how the machine interprets the image. There Ntar dot gain ... ato mean we do not see ink ... na ... the things that we benahin ... okay ... then after we have just stepped into the profiling of memungkinakan workstation designers can "know" the condition of its production ...

Not the CTF and CTP course you know who skip the calibration process ... all monitors, scanners (if you still use), proofer (also if any) should also through the calibration process. For example on the monitor, the monitor light day we will increasingly shift its light color ... of which had been okay, so it looks more green or red ... because the value of the RGB phosphor provider starts to diminish its light color in there. Well, in this condition the user should also know ... there are tools to determine the value of Kelvin the light of the monitor.

plate / film linear key for machine calibration, meaning that can be used as reference to find how much the mechanical dot gain our printing machines. If you've met profile machine (dot gain, density), then the machine data can be made a reference to the calibration proofer. So, what can later be issued proofer in akomodir / achieved by our printing machines, the color will be very small deviations occur. Advertisers or customers will know more once the results, like what before printing. Phosphor RGB color giver of light began to decrease in situ.
Na ... This condition of the wearer should also know ... there are tools to learn the value of the light monitor Kelvin.

Mean obviously there are things that must be bridged between the ability of printing and imaging capabilities of prepress plate.
interesting to discuss the WASTE that may occur during the process ... yes Dlm calibration process?

To Waste ...
The earliest is from the movie auto plate CTP or CTF. When we checked the linear machine, depending on the condition of the engine ... we are definitely checking allignment laser, sometimes here could be a few plate / film that we output a perfect allignment until we can get.
Then a new step into the raster. We have to check several times exposure to check its density. For the film, we first check its density image, we use a step to the plate FOGRA .. this depends on the type of plate is also .. for photopolymer for example, we usually use two third dark shadows, etc ... each plate from different vendors is also setting its exposure.

After exposure to new dech wrong ... we see the percentage of raster. 2% of its out how to 99% & a lot of precision measuring instruments that can measure the value raster ranging from 2% to 98% only. But, that should suffice.

From prepress machine that can be imagined khan how much should we output. Especially to the standard engine sparse. Kalo aja destitute just done.
Many customers are very conscious of the value raster, do it at least 2x a day, at the beginning of work (shift1 and second shift) ...
After the prepress is complete, we created a new reference image which we will print. Usually it consists of many color patches to create a profile of printing machines and all machines proofer.

Well, when we last checked in on the value raster prepress machine, etc. .. It has not been associated with the workstation, but purely from the engine.

Now, because we send the reference image .. we see again in CTF or CTP result ... after a measured completely linear, we continue to dech new printing machine. image which we will print. Usually it comprises so many color patches to create a profile of printing machines and machines proofer all ... maybe one time I'll try to post examples of reference image for the calibration and profiling yah ... (But which can be posted yach ?)...
Well, when we last checked in on the value raster prepress machine, etc. ... was not related to each workstation, but purely from the engine.
Na ... now because we are sending a reference image ... we look again at CTF CTP results ato ... after the measured linear bener, we deh terusin new to the printing press ...

Having reached the printing press ... we just started to involve other waste more ... paper, ink, etc. ... Often that had a machine, nyetak origin same thickness of ink already in the parts of the image that has been marked, it is equal ... stopped ... but ... stability of ink that's different backgrounds on each machine and its length depends on the run as well, sometimes we can see other parts of the printout is still less ink, etc. ... but the engine had stopped. Because it can be imagined, the paper has been kebuang how much ... and again, they certainly can not do another job ...

It's in the press ..

Then, after the printing machine goes wrong ... we get results ...

We stepped into the proof engine.

Any process that we went through last ... we'll never be able to see the same gamut ... although both CMYK.
Well, calibration for machine proof is a bit more proof that our paper output.
First ... we must determine the UCR and GCR that fit for us so that if the proof machine black mold proofing color is not white but can be bluish or redish black puree and gradation.

After that new dech, we stepped into the color. This proof machine khan prepared to represent a wider color gamut of all the machines that we use from the work station until the printing press .. nah, we must reduce gamutnya so he can represent the colors that can be printed by the printing machine.

Especially for the image with the colors of the process ..

Not to mention the machine proof we will often find the results with the image bending, .. nah, kalo udah no bending lines ... khan results are not perfect ... things like these that make wastenya so make this proof ngeri.Mesin khan prepared to represent a wider color gamut of all the machines that we use from the workstation until the machine print ... nah, we must reduce gamutnya so he can represent the colors that can be printed by the printing press ...

although its a lot of waste during the process of calibration and profiling (often well done) ... more done gentlemen, do not be payable. Because its going to waste even more.
Or if a half-half, the result will not be good ... such as that had submitted, for fear of spending a lot of paper, ink is so thick in places marked are okay, straight stops, but on-it still is a striped, continue to be forced measured, well, you can imagine the results. Not the expected results in the future, these results could be a benchmark baseball ... eventually waste which was already much more so bener2 wasteless.

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