Wednesday, April 6, 2011


In the past, every time you publish the book, the publisher should print at least 3,000 copies to save on printing costs. Now, with advances in technology, print on demand, printing costs can be saved and the number of copies can be met on request.

Print On Demand (POD) is one result of the advancement of digital technology. Computer technology plays an important role in this system and the POD is a printing process that formed due to digital printing (digital printing). Through digital printing, a particular stage must be done on conventional printing systems is no longer needed. Because the process simpler, then digital printing allows people to save costs and time for the amount of a particular print.

Conventional Print

Conventional printing system-the so-called offset printing has a chain-long process. In a simple process that is divided into two: pre-print and print (pre-press and press). The person preparing the art-work or manuscript in pre-printing process. If the manuscript is a manuscript book, after going through the editing stage, it takes stylists-Lay (lay out). When finished set, otherwise print-ready manuscript (camera ready). Why is it called camera-ready? Because it means that the script is ready to be recorded with a camera aka photographed. The contents of the manuscript is recorded into the sheets of film. The next process is to move the contents of the script of the film sheet onto the printing plates.

Print process starts after receiving the printing plate or a print copy. With the printing plates that printing begin the process of printing on an offset printing machine or machines. Because the use of film and plates, the offset printing requires a certain amount of circulation for the print or print cost per book is not to be too expensive. From this arises among publishers term "curse of 3,000 copies" because usually the publishers need to print a book with the minimum amount of 3,000 copies for the book found an economical price.

Digital Print

In digital printing, printing no longer need to record the script into a film and plates. Print-ready manuscript, can be directly printed on the printing press. Why is that? Because digital printing machines work by accepting the manuscript (printed materials) directly from the computer, without the need for printing plates. Printable text file on the computer are sent directly to the machine for printing, such as if you print data from a computer using a desk-jet printer or toner. Film and plate-making process that takes time and costs are no longer needed. This means basically no minimum amount required to print. Printing can be done with the script and the budget amount that suits your needs and pocket size. In essence, digital printing is more economical and efficient for a small circulation. That's not all the features offered by digital printing. Author or editor can also alter or improve the manuscript in the final seconds of the print process. Such flexibility is risky if done at the cost of conventional printing as improvements to the manuscript to be printed means the replacement of film and printing plates, in addition to the work it takes longer.

Comfort with POD

For Publishers By providing ease of printing through digital printing, then the next thought developed among the managers of the book publishing business is "Why not print as needed or market demand?" He replied: "It could have been done." Manifestations of the above is what the desire called print on demand (POD). Why is it called on demand? Because we can print on demand or requirement. There is no longer mandatory ("curse") a certain amount in print. Need print 100 copies? OK! If 50 copies? Monggo! 10 copies? Who's afraid? Requests can be served. Thus, what are the implications for publishers or anyone who wants to print a book? Publishers can save the investment in inventory. Published a new book-the unknown market potential-can be printed with a limited number first. If the book is "exploded" in the market, the publisher can print them in large quantities. Similarly with the book reprinted the life cycle (life cycle) it has begun to fall. The book can be printed on demand market.

The market for only 20, the issuer can meet them without having to worry about stock piling up in warehouses because of excess printing. The next circle of POD comfortable is the publisher can save money warehouse. There are no stock piles of books idle, meaning the publisher does not have to always add to the warehouse. This fun story can be drawn on until, for example, that because they do not have to invest money in inventory investment many books, so publishers can publish more titles, that cash flow (cash flow) publisher become aliases is not blocked more smoothly bin smoothly.

For Writers Well, if you are a beginner writer who had long "revenge" against the publisher because you rejected manuscript back and forth, POD opens opportunities for you. You can now publish your own book. This means you can become independent publishers aka indie. With POD, you can print your book economically, according to budget. For the writer, POD will allow you to determine your own fate manuscript-probably also the fate of your rice pot. If you have previously hampered many writers to the new birth as a writer, now there is a scalpel that allows authors to Caesar for the script. You not only can accelerate the inclusion of the profession as a writer on business cards, you can maintain the integrity of your manuscript.


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