Wednesday, April 6, 2011

International Standards for the Printing and Media Industries ISO

Differences in standards for similar technologies in different countries or regions which can provide so-called "technical barriers to trade". Export-oriented industries have an interest in the deal world standards to help simplify the process of international trade. This is what lies behind the establishment of ISO.

International Standards Organization (ISO), founded in 1947, is a worldwide federation of national standards of more than 140 countries (one country represents a single national standard.) The mission of ISO is to promote the development of standardization and related activities in the world in terms of provision of exchange of goods and services at international level and to develop cooperation in intellectual activities in the environment, science, technology, and economic activity. Performance ISO set forth in international treaties and published as International Standards.

Members - Members of ISO

ISO is made to its members who are divided into three categories:

Member Body

Members of ISO is a national body "main standardization in its country representative."

For each state is recognized only one membership of ISO. Members are given the right to participate and have full voting rights in the technical committee and policy committee of ISO.

Members - Member Contact

Members of correspondence usually is an organization in a country that does not have a comprehensive development of national standards activity. Correspondent members not actively involved in technical development work and decision-making, but was assigned to provide comprehensive information about the work of ISO in the country.

Members - Member Subscribers

Members of designated customers for the country - low berekonomi country. Member subscribers pay reduced membership fees that do not allow them to maintain ties with international standards.

ISO Strategy

International standardization can be used in a variety of different technology fields such as information processing and communications, packaging, distribution of goods, energy production and utilization, banking and financial services, and increasingly considered important for activities in all industrial sectors.

The main reason is:

• The development of the world toward free trade

From the technology side, fair competition should be based on the ability of identification, be clearly identified on the basis of a common reference that can be recognized by any country or region. Applicable industry standards widely known internationally, was developed from consensus among traffickers, presented as a trade language.

• Linkages between sectors

There is no industry in the world who really independent or not depends on the components, products - products, rules - the rules of application, and others that have been developed in other sectors. Eco-friendly products and processes, and has the capability of recycling, or packaging that easily broken down, has become a widespread concern.

• global communication system

Computer industry to give an example - a good example of technology that is needed quickly and progressively to be standardized at a global level. Full compatibility in an open system encourages healthy competition among producers.

• Global standards for high-tech

Standardization program in the new field as a whole is currently being developed. The need for standardization is to define terminology and accumulated a database of quantitative information.

• State - developing countries

Continuous development agency to introduce that a standardization infrastructure is a necessary condition for successful economic policy in order to achieve sustainable development. Creating the infrastructure in the countries - developing countries is very important to raise niali productivity, market competitiveness, and export capability.

Generally accepted industry standards is a condition conducive to the particular industrial sector because most of the products and services have the same conformity to standards. This condition is achieved due to the consensus among economic actors, the industrial sector-suppliers, users and government.

The ultimate goal is the implementation of trade, exchange and transfer of technology through:

• Improved product quality and trust at a reasonable price;

• Improved health, safety and environmental protection, and waste reduction;

• Improved compatibility of the components of goods and services;

• Simplifying the level of usage;

• Reducing the number of samples and also the reduction of expenditures;

• Improving distribution efficiency and ease of maintenance.

Agency responsible for the printing industry standard is the ISO Technical Committee 130 and Graphics Technology secretariat of this body are in DIN (German Standards Institute) in Berlin, Germany.


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