Thursday, December 23, 2010


Colors can be defined in an objective / physical properties of light as a diapancarkan, or a subjective / psychological as part of the sensory experience of sight. Objectively or physically, the color can be given by panajang wave. Viewed from the wavelengths, of light visible to the eye is one form of radiant energy which is a narrow part of the electromagnetic wave.

The light can be captured human senses has a wavelength of 380 to 780 nanometers. Light between two nanometer range can be parsed through the glass prism into the colors of the rainbow called the spectrum or color of light, began to beam light purple, violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, to red. Outside light purple / violet are ultraviolet waves, x-rays, gamma rays, and cosmic rays. Outside there is a wave of red light / infrared light waves Hertz, short-wave radio, and radio wave length, which is widely used for transmitting radio and TV. The process is due to the visibility of the color of light that hit an object, and object reflect light into the eye (retina) until we saw the color. Red objects because these objects reflect the nature of the pigment of red and absorbs other colors. Things are black because of the nature of these objects pigment absorbs all colors of the rainbow. Instead of an object is white because of the nature of these objects reflect all the pigment colors of the rainbow.

As part of the elements of form, color plays a central role as a means to further reinforce and strengthen the impression or the purpose of an original design. In the corporate identity design, color has a function to reinforce aspects of identity. More is said by Henry Dreyfuss, the colors used in graphic symbols to reinforce the intent of these symbols. An example is the use of red color on the security triangle, the colors used for the traffic light red for stop, yellow to green and get ready for the road. From these examples it turns out the influence of color can provide a fast and powerful impression.

The ability of color to create an impression, able to create certain effects. Psychologically described by J. Linschoten and Drs. Mansour about the following colors: The colors were not a symptom that can only be observed alone, it affects the behavior of color, plays an important role in the assessment of aesthetic and also determine whether or not we would like all kinds of objects.

From understanding the above can be explained that the color, in addition can only be seen by the eye was able to influence a person's behavior, affect aesthetic judgments, and also determine whether a person likes in a body. Here we present the potential of color characters, which could give the impression of a person as follows:

1. Black, as the oldest color (dark) by itself became a symbol for the nature of the pitch and darkness (also in terms of emotions).
2. White, as the brightest color, symbolizing light, purity.
3. Gray, is the most neutral color in the absence of a specific nature or life.
4. Red, is conquered, expansive (widespread), dominant (ruling), active and vital (life).
5. Yellow, with rays that are less deep, is representative of the things or objects that are light, the momentum and impressive things.
6. Blue, a color that gave the impression it something (dediepte), the nature of the infinite and transcendent, besides that it has the nature of the challenge.
7. Green, have the nature of balance and harmony, evoking serenity and a place to collect new powers.

Of the many colors, can be divided into several sections, often referred to by the Prang color system invented by Louis Prang in 1876 include:

1. Hue, is a term used to indicate the name of a color, like red, blue, green and so on.
2. Value, is the second dimension of the brightness or color. Examples are the levels of color from white to black.
3. Intensity, often called chroma, is the dimension associated with bright or gloomy colors.

Besides Prang System there are several other color system that is, CMYK or Process Color System, Munsell Color System, the Ostwald Color System, Schopenhauer / Goethe Weighted Color System, Substractive Additive Color System and Color / RGB Color System.

Among the various color systems above, which are now widely used in visual media industry print is CMYK or Process Color System that essentially divides color into Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. While RGB Color System is used in electronic visual media industry.


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